10 Easy Tips for Soothing Stress

Parents, we know you’re stressed. Here are 10 easy (and mostly free!) tips to reset your nervous system, starting with some of our favorites you likely haven’t heard of before.
1. Journaling - I have to admit, I initially thought journaling was a bit cheesy and self-involved. That is until adding it to my morning routine and seeing a game changing difference in my mental clarity and outlook. Because you probably won’t get time alone, bring it to the breakfast table and use it to vent, prioritize your day and brain dump anything that’s on your mind. Following Julia Cameron's technique in the Artist's Way, I aim for three "morning pages" but really just a few paragraphs is effective as well. 📔✍️
2. Pounding it out - This one will revolutionize how you handle stress. By physically releasing tension through vocalizing and safely hitting something soft, excess cortisol and adrenaline exit the scene. For tips on how to do this safely and privately, check out bioenergetic therapist Leah Benson’s guide. 🛋️
3. Acupressure - No appointment (or babysitting) needed. Just apply pressure to H7, L2 & L3 to diffuse stress, frustration, anxiety and insomnia. Google these spots to find them on your body and try it for yourself. H7 is great for falling back asleep after being woken up for the 6th time. L2 acts like a reset button after a tantrum (plus it works on kids!) 👦
4. A warming drink with stress soothing adaptogens is great for calming the nervous system. We love Mahsa Chai ☕️ because it blends easily and is caffeine free, which is especially helpful postpartum when you might need to nap at any moment. 💤
5. Aromatherapy can help reset and calm, lifting the mood in an instant. Try a dab of Blue Tansy, a cute flower naturally high in camphor, for natural stress relief. A blend that's pre-diluted in jojoba oil can be applied directly to the skin. 🌼
6. Venting to a friend - Whether you prefer text, voice memo or a call, talking to a supportive friend or family member can make the worst day better. Chances are they are going through a challenge too and who doesn’t love a group vent sesh? 📱🫶
7. Grounding Technique - A simple forward fold can have a profound effect on feeling grounded in your body. Chronic stress and lack of sleep can leave us feeling floaty and detached from ourselves. Spend a couple of minutes in a forward bend, feeling the weight of your body in your feet. Slowly roll up when ready and notice how much more grounded you feel. 🕴️
8. Getting outside for a quick stroll is one of the fastest and easiest ways to destress.
9. Epsom salt bath - Here you get a 2 for 1, the soothing effect of magnesium and a calming soak. Something about submerging in warm water soothes frazzled nerves. Might be more relaxing alone, but I like to throw my kiddo in there with me as it helps her sleep better too!🛀
10. Affirmations - When we're stressed we can easily get into a cycle of not feeling good enough. Stop critical thoughts in their tracks by doing a few mood boosting affirmations. For a super effective self esteem practice, look into your eyes in the mirror while you say things like "I approve of you. You are doing SO great, mama. You are such a wonderful mom / wife / friend, etc. You are beautiful inside and out" 🌟