Mom Crush: The Carson Meyer Edition

Congratulations on becoming a mother! How has this new role influenced your perspective as a doula?
Thank you! Getting to feel and experience the magnitude of birth and motherhood has made me even more passionate about all of it. Especially the nutrition component. I got to experience first-hand how diet impacted my pregnancy for the best.
What aspects of your training and experience as a doula were most helpful during your own labor and delivery?
Hmmm... I think the trust was the most helpful to me. I have spent nearly a decade deprogramming the dominant cultural beliefs around pregnancy, birth and motherhood; that it's dangerous, miserable and must be controlled. Being able to birth without vaginal exams, routine procedures, contraction timing and limitations of my physical movements allowed me to be completely present and I ultimately allowed me to birth safely and peacefully at home.
I felt the strength of every single woman who I've had the honor or supporting as a doula surround me. I have learned more from them than any training could offer.

How has motherhood changed your approach to supporting other expectant mothers and families?
My approach has remained the same although I do feel better resourced now to support mothers after birth and through early motherhood beyond the 6 weeks postpartum.
How do you balance the roles of being a mother and a doula?
Most of the doula work I do today is virtual. I host classes and circles online. This allows me to be home with my babe in these early years while still getting to do the work I am so deeply passionate about.
Can you discuss any challenges you faced during your pregnancy or postpartum period and how you managed them?
Day two after birth my nipples hurt like hell! I was convinced something must be terribly wrong. I am so grateful for the girlfriends who told me to persevere and that I just wasn't used to having my nipples sucked on all day and night! It was an important reminder for me not to run from the uncomfortable. I used silverettes, and nipple balm but it was ultimately patience and encouragement I needed the most.
How has your view on postpartum care evolved since becoming a mother yourself?
I feel even more passionate about the importance of proper nutrition as a core element to postpartum wellbeing.
What are your favorite natural remedies or practices for postpartum recovery?
I believe receiving bodywork postpartum is essential. We often write it off as a costly luxury, but it is far more important than any gadget you could buy for your baby. Loving touch was crucial for my nervous system, healing process and ability to show up as a mother fully. Baths (with C & The Moon) and salt were also really grounding and nourishing for me. Postpartum is a very dry state so I leaned on them head to toe for moisture. I also leaned on (and continue to lean on) Needed Stress Support Supplements at times.
As a new mother, how do you prioritize self-care while also caring for your newborn?
When my daughter was a newborn, this was only possible with the support of my amazing husband. My daughter is almost two now and she loves to do yoga with me which makes me so happy. Self-care doesn't always have to be a time consuming or extensive ritual. Simply eating well, calling a girlfriend, asking for a hug are all considered self-care in my book!
What are some common misconceptions about natural childbirth that you’d like to address?
That it is done out of martyrdom or the desire to show off/prove oneself. Giving birth without drugs has a myriad of physical and spiritual benefits for mother and child if it's what's desired. Medicalizing birth does not make birth safer for healthy pregnant women.
What role did your support network play during your pregnancy and postpartum period?
I have the most wonderful friends and community that I leaned on throughout all of it! Still do! When I was 20 weeks pregnant, they hosted a birth blessing ceremony for me which was so incredibly special. They all blessed a bead that was strung onto a necklace for me that I wore through labor. I felt their love and support through it all even though most live across the country from me.
What's your mom mantra?
I was designed for this. It is all here to serve me in the greatest of ways!
